Frequently Asked Questions
Allgemeine Fragen
- Prices?
- International shipping?
- Where is WOHNBLOCK furniture manufactured?
- Where can WOHNBLOCK furniture be purchased?
- How long does delivery take?
- How does shipping work/What are the delivery costs? (Only Germany)
- Which payment methods are accepted by WOHNBLOCK?
- What kind of materials do you use?
- Surface genuine wood veneer?
- Surface design veneer?
- Coloured surface?
- Phenolic resin coated plywood?
- Cat cushion?
- Quality?
- Where does the cat scratch?
- What happens once the scratching boards are worn out?
- Where can I buy replacement carpet inserts?
- Cleaning and Care?
What happens once the scratching boards are worn out?
As the carpet inserts fit perfectly into the spaces in the scratching post, the edges are well protected. Secured with extra strong hook and loop, the inserts won't come off even if the cat scratches really hard.
If you want to take out the carpet, insert the provided scraper in the gap between the carpet and the wood surface to loosen the carpet insert.